Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Lessons Learned Re-Write

The publisher suggested that I take another look at the last section of the book. This section is titled "Lessons Learned". It would take a second book to cover all the important lessons I have learned as a war refugee and a restored man. But I must highlight just few of the salient ones, and I have done that, I think.

I have sent the revised "Lessons Learned" section to the editor at Opine Publishers. Hopefully it's satisfactory now.

Also, they are still picking my brains about how the book cover should look. I don't have much to contribute there, except to give my input on the subtitle of the book. I really like the latest subtitle that I sent the publisher yesterday, but of course, I've felt the same way about every subtitle I have sent them.

By the way if you are one my peer reviewers for the book, please note that the deadline to send your feedback to Opine Publishers is Friday, April 29. If you need more time, please email them to see if they will allow that.

Enjoy your day!

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